a C++ widget library built on GLUT
gltk::Adjustment | Value with a defined range and two sizes of increments |
gltk::Bin | Bin is a Container with a single child |
gltk::Box | A Container that lines up its children |
gltk::Button | Button is a PushBox that holds a child widget |
gltk::CheckBox | Checkbox that can be toggled on and off |
gltk::CheckButton | CheckBox with a Label |
gltk::ComboBoxText | A Widget used to choose from a list of text items |
sigc::connection | Keep track of the connection |
gltk::Container | A Container holds child widget(s) |
gltk::Entry | Single line text input |
gltk::FileBrowser | Show files in current directory allowing navigation and selection |
gltk::Focusable | Widget that can be focused on |
gltk::Frame | Frame is a Bin with an outline and a text label |
gltk::glArea | A Widget with its own GL context |
gltk::glutWindow | Abstraction of underlying system window |
gltk::HBox | Horizontal Box |
gltk::HScale | Horizontal Scale |
gltk::ViewableList::ItemBase | Base item type |
gltk::Label | One-line text Widget |
gltk::LabelBin | LabelBin is a Bin with default Label child |
gltk::ListView | Widget showing and allowing selection from a list of items |
gltk::Main | One and only Main object of the library |
gltk::Popup | A Widget that popups a menu on click |
gltk::PushBox | Rectangular box that can be clicked |
gltk::ViewableList::RenderBase | Base Render object |
gltk::RenderItemStr | Render an item as a string |
gltk::Scale | Slider to select and a label to display a numeric value |
gltk::Scrollbar | Widget for manipulating an Adjustment |
gltk::Shape | Widget of simple Shape |
sigc::signal< Tr, T1 > | Convenience template for signal of any number of arguments |
sigc::signal0< Tr > | Signal with zero argument |
sigc::signal1< Tr, T1 > | Signal with one argument |
gltk::SignalIdle | Calling a slot when system is free SignalIdle provides a system signal that is emitted when the system is idle |
gltk::SignalTimeout | A timer signal |
gltk::Slider | Selecting a value by moving a slider |
sigc::slot0< Tr > | Slot with zero argument |
sigc::slot1< Tr, T1 > | Slot with one argument |
gltk::SpinButton | Combo of an Entry and two Buttons |
gltk::TextDraw | Single line text drawing object |
gltk::VBox | Vertical Box |
gltk::ViewableList | A list of viewable items |
gltk::VScale | Vertical Scale |
gltk::Widget | A visual component |
gltk::Window | Toplevel window |